Our Program

Taigum Child Care Educational Programs

Our Programs

Our daily programs are play based, child led and are underpinned by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) in conjunction with the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG).

Through play, children create ways of constructing knowledge and discovering the world around them, whilst building their self-confidence to approach and engage in the new experiences and environments that they face through life.

Our programs run simultaneously between the indoor and the outdoor environments giving children the choice to move around their learning environment without restriction. This allows us to cater for the individual needs of each child, giving them autonomy to find a space where they feel comfortable to play and learn.
An infographic showing which children will start kindy this year - children born between July 1 2019 and June 30 2020 are eligible

Our Kindergarten Program

Our QLD Government Funded Kindergarten Program is designed as a school readiness program, which focuses on preparing children for their upcoming school years and in preparation for their life ahead.

We use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) document in conjunction with the EYLF to support us in our professional practice and help us to link the children’s learning to a variety of developmental areas of the curriculum.

Our kindergarten program is primarily drawn from the children’s ideas and what comes from them each day, whether that be through discussions or following on from the previous days learning and interests. Throughout the day there are many opportunities for explicit and intentional teaching, both in large group situations and in small group settings.

Our program implements all aspects of learning in readiness for Prep, providing rich learning experiences that include extensive hands-on activities and learning through discovery and play. It incorporates all contexts for learning including focused learning and teaching, practical life situations, investigations, play, and rhythms and transitions.
We work with our local feeder schools to ensure our program is aligned with their expectations of the children when they get to school. This provides a smoother transition for the children when they enter the school environment.

Our transition to school program includes:

Educator meetings with prep teachers

Teachers visiting our environment

Excursions to prep classrooms

Welcome back meetings with our previous years prep students

Our Sustainability Program

Our Sustainability program is an opportunity for children to connect with the natural environment in a hands-on and meaningful way. It provides opportunities for them to explore the world around them and to develop an appreciation for all creatures great and small. It is a time where children can work in harmony with nature and where their creativity and learning is sparked through the natural environment and the elements that are around them.

In February 2024 we underwent a sustainability assessment and we are proud to announce that we were awarded a 3 star partnership by ecoBiz.

Our Daily Rhythms

The rhythms of our day are based on the individual needs of each child. We aim to attune ourselves to the individual cues and responses of each child to create respectful and reciprocal relationships with them. Through respectful and reciprocal relationships we support the children in developing a sense of security and belonging with their educators and within our environment.

Our Documentation

All of our programs (including the Kindergarten Program) are documented daily. Documentation is a reflection of the children’s learning and development and is used to interpret the children’s emerging interests and ideas and to reflect on possibilities for scaffolding their learning.

Our documentation process includes both formative and summative assessments to record and track your child’s progress toward developmental milestones. These assessments help us tailor our educational and pedagogical approach to meet the individual needs of each child.

Throughout the year, parents are invited to participate in discussions about their child’s learning goals in partnership with their child’s educator. This collaborative approach ensures that we can support your child’s growth and development effectively.

To assist in easy transition, Transition Statements are prepared at the end of each year and are forwarded to the schools our Kindergarten children will be attending in their following year. Making our Kindergarten children ready for their next year of early learning and giving them the best start is important to us.

Individual and group learning records will highlight your child’s journey, showcasing their achievements and progress in various areas of development. We believe that by working together, we can create a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters each child’s potential.

Enrol Now

We are glad that you are keen to enrol your child with us. Please click the link below to start the process.